"NSL: Diversified Agri-Industrial Conglomerate in India
Industries Serving: infrastructure and power, agri-based businesses
The following section shows what are the top positions and job roles for which nuziveedu seeds limited hires for. By Clicking on the button, you can check out the hiring trend of specific job post.
Following observations are based on employees information of nuziveedu seeds limited. We have analysed employees on various dimensions to figure out following analysis.
30.4% Junior
29.5% Advanced
17.9% Expert
12.5% Mastery
28.9% Agriculture
7.9% Genetics
7.9% Philosophy
5.3% Business Management
27.5% Sales
20% Marketing
17.5% Operations
12.5% Education
38.5% Accounts
23.1% Product
19.2% Researcher
7.7% Accounting
The chart below illustrates the residential locations of employees who have joined nuziveedu seeds limited
The chart below illustrates the top 15 skills set of nuziveedu seeds limited employees.
Fliar algorithms detected that the following contacts from nuziveedu seeds limited are cruicial for any sort of business dealing, you can get detailed bio and their contact information.
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